Thursday, September 27, 2007

Seduce Women Using Hypnosis: "Falling In Love Exposed!"


Here is the first key secret to understanding, not only about seducing women , but any form of influence or persuasion, in any area of life:

There's no such "thing" as love. There's no such "thing" as passion. There's no such "thing" as attraction, or chemistry, or lust.

I know, I know, you're saying. That's the problem ... for most of you, most of the time, there's no such thing. There's just boredom, frustration, and playing with Mr. Winky.

But that's not what I'm talking about, so pay close attention. I'm not saying that people don't experience states of "attraction" or "chemistry" or "lust". What I am saying is that these states are processes that take place inside the human mind and body. Which means that they are states that ...


Here's An Example: "Falling in Love" Exposed!!

Since I'm being pretty general and theoretical here let's get a bit more specific and talk about what every woman dreams about: falling in love.

Now, based on what I've said so far, do you think I believe "love" is based on some mysterious "chemistry" that flows between two people? Maybe it's caused by a butt-naked little angel named Cupid who shoots an arrow into your ass?

No, Here's how people fall in love: First, understand you do NOT fall in love with someone when you are in their presence. No. You fall in love when you're off by yourself, thinking about them afterwards. This is why it is so hypnotically powerful, because you are doing it to yourself, and people are always their best hypnotists.

Here's how it happens: you go out with someone, maybe even one date. And then you go home, and you're lying there, thinking about them. And, you form an image of them in your mind. And as you do that, you start to list to yourself all the qualities about them that you like, "She's so , she's so , she's really ." Maybe then you picture you and them having lots of fun in all sorts of situations. Then you get that warm, funny feeling right in your solar plexus, and then, the nail in your coffin, you say her name to yourself 2 or 3 times. If you're really a geek, maybe you even dance around the house singing it! Or you possibly go about bring up her name in every conversation.

Sound familiar? Now, as you recall the times in your past when you did this, were you then able to stay cool, in control of yourself AND the relationship? Or were you calling her every day, always wanting to see her, and eager to kiss her ass, to the point where she, of course, dropped you?

Here's the point: "love" is a process people do to themselves! It's not a "thing" you trip over or a "hole" you fall into. And I know, even though I'm not there watching you, that as I describe it here on paper, you recalled and went through that process yourself, and recalled the feelings associated with it. And if I can do it to you, on paper, when I'm not even there, then you can, if you know how, skillfully describe this (or any other) process to a woman in your presence, link it to yourself, and in a matter of minutes, cause her ...


Think about this for a second. The dumb process you did to yourself can now be used to make her fawn all over you, repeatably and predictably!

Of course, the same thing applies to any other process you want her to run, or state you want her to experience, whether it's forgetting your competitor, (There is another pattern for this called the infamous "Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern") or anything else you care to name. If she's done it or experienced it once before, you can get her to do it or experience it with you again!


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